Monday, August 10, 2009

QAR Finals Write Up by UPA


The game consisted of four-time winners Disc Northwest and first-time YCC team Triangle Youth League’s Queen Anne’s Revenge. Queen Anne’s Revenge busted out their zone defense right away and took the first point of the game. Disc Northwest was confident and determined however and they took the lead away from Queen Anne’s Revenge. From the Northwest turnovers, long throws from Queen Anne’s Revenge were released to Hanna Gardner, giving them several points. They never gave up, but Northwest’s tough defense and persistent demeanor flooded the field and they took the championship with a final score of 15-6.

QAR Semis Write-Up by UPA


Atlanta’s Hotlanta vs Triangle Youth League’s Queen Anne’s Revenge
Hotlanta threw their zone defense on right away and it proved effective, leading to a turn and the first point of the game. Queen Anne’s Revenge answered, and the well-matched teams traded points back and forth. Hotlanta took half 8-6 and seemed focused, taking advantage of Queen Anne’s Revenge’s turnovers. The game was far from over though. Queen Anne’s Revenge’s Hope Thomson tipped the disc in a bobble and then caught it for a score. The hard cap was put into place and Queen Anne’s Revenge tied the game 11-11. It was universe point and both teams were pushing hard. Queen Anne’s Revenge’s Lindsay Lang threw it long and Meg Duffy caught it in the end zone for upset win 12-11.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

NCAS write up by UPA

Disc Northwest L-Pod vs. North Carolina All-Stars
Disc Northwest proved early on in this game why they are the number one seed and defending champions, as they cruised out to an early 6-0 lead and took half 8-2. The pressure was getting to North Carolina , who looked dejected and were generally lacking energy. During the halftime break the coaches tried to turn things around. “Our players looked tight early on. They had never played on the stage of YCC. We told them just to have fun,” said North Carolina coach Raju Prasad. The team made other adjustments including switching from zone defense to man and started to sub players in groups to utilize their specific talents. Halftime proved beneficial for North Carolina, and they played a stronger second half before succumbing to Disc Northwest 15-7.

Re-post of a write-up done by UPA found here:

UPA Write-Up of QAR game against Minnesota

Triangle took on Minnesota, with a very effective offense taking them to a 7-2 lead. For the next point, Triangle’s #22 Shellie Cohen dominated on deep defense, attempting to finish the point with a long huck, just overthrowing Lindsay Lang. Minnesota worked back up the field for a score and took the next to cut the lead to 3, 7-4. Triangle took the last point of the first half and the first point of the second for 9-4, before Minnesota woke up with a stifling defense and two quick scoring throws to Erynn Schroeder, 9-6. Minnesota gave up an easy point for 10-6 before going on one more run, starting with a huck from Jenna Dailey to Mara Saltzman in the back of the endzone, and ending with Jenna driving the team into the endzone for 10-10. Minnesota ran out of steam to give the last two points to Triangle in the cap for a 12-10 Triangle win.

This is a re-post from the UPA Write-Ups.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Baker's Weekend Write-Up

Here's a note Baker sent out to the Listserv about TYUL events this weekend.

Hey all -

Part 1 - U-14

Just wanted to write and acknowledge the wrapping of TYUL's 2nd U-14 season. I heard great things from players, parents, and coaches - thanks so much for making this year a huge success.

We had our end-of-season tournament today, with Green capturing the crown over the Lt. Blue team 11-8. Navy Blue took third place over a short-staffed (but very game) Red team.

I arrived a bit late in the day, and when I arrived Green was up 6-3 at half. There was some wind and both teams were playing the deep game - throwing the disc deep to streaking receivers. This worked particularly well for Green and their tall line-up. In fact, they opened it up a bit in the second half, going up 8-4 I believe (possibly 9-4). However, Lt. Blue did not go away. They began to utilize some very nice in-cuts and swing passes to set up their hucks, and got some good looks. This sparked a bit of a run, down now only 8-10. There was tension on the Green sideline, but Zuercher and company rallied the troops and Green marched it down for the wind (sans turn-over), Evan (I believe) came down with the game winning catch over a jumping Blue defender (both sides played excellent defense throughout the match).

It was an exciting game, and it's great to see the ability and enthuisiasm present in all four teams (and their coaches!). 2010 should be exciting. Thanks again for support and enthusiasm from players, coaches, and parents. If you have any feedback for us we'd love to hear it.


Part 2 - YCC (Youth Club Championships) -

As you probably know we have two teams playing in the U-19 National Tournament in Blaine, MN. We have a boys team (NC All-Stars) and girls team (Queen Anne's Revenge). These are players (and parents!) who have chosen to dedicate extra time and money to practices, traveling, and fund-raising in order to represent North Carolina. We're really proud of them and their coaches (who've also dedicated enormous amounts of time).

The tournament is going on right now. Since both teams are brand new they were seeded last in the tournament - but that's just prime potential for upsets! Queen Anne's Revenge has done just that, beating the Denver team 9-6 and narrowly losing to the number 1 team (Seattle) 6-10. At last update they were beating Minnesota 7-3.

The NC All-Stars have an incredibly tough pool - Seattle, Boston, and Atlanta (all perenially National contenders). They lost their first two games, but as of last update are in a tight match with Atlanta (currently down 5-7) -

Lindsey and Holly are doing a great job of providing some updates at the twitter feed - (no need to have a twitter account to read - it's basically a blog with short posts)

Elimination play begins tomorrow morning at 8.30 AM. Join us in rooting on our local teams! (you can check out the rosters here to see if you have any friends or teammates playing: NCAS - ; QAR: )

And if you missed out in participating with YCC this year, don't worry - we plan on supporting and helping these teams every year.

That's all for now - after this weekend we enter a bit of a quiet time here at TYUL, but we'll be busy planning future leagues soon enough. If you have any thoughts (or want to become more involved!) let us know.


Baker Pratt
TYUL Board

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Gearing up for YCC.

This weekend Queen Anne's Revenge and the North Carolina All Stars (TYUL's YCC teams) will be traveling to BLAINE, MN to compete for the national championship. Both teams have worked hard training this season and they have worked hard to raise money to travel half way across the country. We wish both teams luck and hope to receive constant updates from them....

U-19 Summer League Championship (Write-Up)

The U-19 division went great...very smoothly. We started the day on time! Imagine that! We did have a third field so we played all the consolation games (game for 3rd and game for 5th). It went a little like this...
Round 1:
Orange v White
Lt. Blue v Red
Lt Blue grabbed the reins of the game against Red pretty early despite having no coach and only one sub. They were pretty athletic and had a few throwers but it was their D that won the game. Red couldn't seem to get into a rhythm and was having trouble completing passes.
Final Score 13-7?
The game between Orange and White was a thriller and really fun to watch. Both teams had a pretty solid roster of really athletic players which made the game all about defense and big plays. Both teams struggled on the end zone line making judgement errors resulting in turnovers. However, most the time, both teams seemed to get the disc back with a crazy D of some kind. Players like Luke Hancock were laying out all over the place making sick Ds and grabs. The game came down to the wire as white tied it up as the hard cap horn sounded making it universe point. Orange decided to go for glory trying a full field huck play right after the pull. White denied that and then proceeded to work it down the field and marched it right into the endzone with Jillian making the final grab at the cone.
Final Score: 11-10?
Round 2:
Navy Blue v White
Green v Lt. Blue
Navy Blue had a pretty dominant season so I think everyone expected them to walk past White especially after their long universe point win in the first round and the fact that they only had one sub. White came out a little tired and ended up going down early in the game. But Shawn Roberts showed up at about halftime and seemed to give them the boost they needed. Blue was playing their usual steady game but were struggling against some of the firepower from White's multi-talented handlers like Ernest, Ian, and Tate. As these handlers started using the other players on the field, they slowly started to close the gap. Just as White had begun their last minute run, the clock ran out. The cap horn gave Navy Blue a chance to finish the game on the next point. They ran it like clockwork down the field and closed it out with as easy goal.
Final Score: 14-12?
Lt Blue also came into their second game a little tired. With only one sub and not enough handlers, they struggled out of the gate with Green's balanced handler set. Green's seasoned players like Kelly Weeks and Lindsey Lang poached like champs making it difficult for the Lt Blue players to find any space near the disc. However, their solid defense kept them in the game and within striking distance during the first half. The second half was a different story. After a small run to tie the game at 8s, the Lt. Blue team seemed to run out of steam. Green used their fresh legs and solid handlers to their advantage and closed out the game.
Final Score: 15-10
Consolation: 5th place game
Orange v Red
While the semifinals were being played, Orange and Red were battling it out for 5th place. It was a fun and hard fought game. The two teams seemed to be having a good time with it. Orange used their experience and athleticism to their advantage holding the lead for almost the entire game.
Final Score: 14-11?
Navy Blue v Green
So, the two top seeds did find their way to the finals. The first 4 points set the tone of the game. Navy Blue showed their dominance from the very beginning making great plays and playing good solid D. Some key catches were made by Cody and Robert. Navy Blue played really well together and it showed. Despite some pretty good offensive moments, Green seemed to struggle with defense trying anything that might work from different forces to zone. But nothing seemed to stop the well oiled machine. Navy Blue finished out the game with a solid 7 point victory.
Final Score: 15-8
Consolation: 3rd Place Game
White v Lt Blue
Both teams wanted to play but decided on a shorter game due to their lack of subs and energy. It was a good game with the two teams pretty evenly matched. They traded points for most of the game and had a good time playing. However, this time White came out on the wrong end of universe point giving Lt Blue the 3rd place finish.
Final Score: 9-8?
Final Standings:
1st Place: Navy Blue
2nd Place: Green
3rd Place: Lt. Blue
4th Place: White
5th Place: Orange
6th Place: Red
Special Mention: A couple of players told me that Orange deserved the Spirit Award so congratulations to them!
A HUGE thank you to all of the coaches that came out and made this season a success. We really appreciate all the time and energy you put into this season.
Another thanks to all of the parents, family and friends that came out throughout the season as well as to the tournament. A special thanks to those of you who helped me set up, etc. this weekend. You all are terrific!
It was a great season and a great tournament. Thanks to the players that made it all fun to watch. I hope to see you on the field in the future!
Jen Waldrup
Vice President, TYUL

Friday, July 3, 2009


Ring of Fire and Five Ultimate are holding a youth clinic on July 26. (check web for more
YCC team rosters are finally listed (check website).

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 13th - Green v. White

I was able to catch the 2PM game of the TYUL U-19 division Summer League opener. It was between the White team (composed of players from Chapel Hill and west of the Triangle) coached by Brian Dobyns and the Green team (Chapel Hill) coached by Troy Revell. It was a great game, close the whole way, with each team having the lead at some point. Since I'm a spectator and it's still early in the season I don't know many names, but I'll mention a few moments/players that jumped out at me.

Team White was a bit short-staffed. They had seven players, but Green allowed them to pick up Emma Johnson from Team Navy so that they had one sub - key in the difficult summer heat. Green on the other hand had 4-5 subs and used their deep bench to great advantage, with everyone getting lots of playing time.

Both teams worked on team communication throughout the game - a necessary step in the early season. It was clear that early on players were throwing to receivers they knew from the high school season, but as the game progressed the teams started working together more as a unit.

Team White had some standout plays from the Hancock brothers who each had excellent grabs. Team Green also had their players - noticeably Jacob Hoerger anchored the Deep position in their zone defense and handled on the offensive end with Kelly Weeks. There were, of course, many big plays and players on both teams - and this observer will strive to learn their names in order to do these game write-ups more justice.

The game eventually came down to "double game point" - each team had 13, the cap was on, so the game was to 14. White was now down to seven players, after losing Mitchell Jones to injury on a big defensive bid in the endzone. But they were still hungry, and pulled to Team Green. There was at least one turn during this point, but it became clear that Green had just a bit more gas in the tank - and managed to work it into the endzone for a win in this first league outing.

Both team played well and with a lot of heart. I look forward to watching them during the upcoming season.

Also, if any coaches, parents, or players are interested in writing about the league or games - let me know. We can either post your message or possibly set you up as an author here.

See you on the field!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Week 1 Lost and Found

I'm going to do a brief write-up of the game I saw, but first I wanted to post this message - a watch was found on field 2 after the noon game. If this is yours, send me an email with a description of the watch and I'll get it back to you.

Looking forward to the season!


p.s. If any coaches or players want to do write-ups (which would be great!) let Holly or me know.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Summer League STARTS!

Yesterday saw the start of summer league games! Hopefully in the next couple days Baker will post on the ultimate he saw.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Congratulations to Local College Teams

Two teams from our area made it to Collegiate Nationals this past weekend. TYUL's very own Lindsey Hack coached the UNC Women's Team to a second place finish at Regionals earning them a bid to Nationals next month in Columnbus, OH. The NC State Men's Team also pulled out a victory in a tough game against Florida earning the third (back door) bid to Nationals. Congrats to both teams!


For those of you who aren't on our listserv yet... SUMMER LEAGUE REGISTRATION IS OPEN! Check out and you can find a link to register online. Middle Schoolers are in the U-14 league and High Schoolers are in the U-19 league.

Monday, March 23, 2009

East V Cardinal Gibbons (Pictures)

Pictures from the East versus Cardinal Gibbons. Courtesy of Heidi Aycock. Thanks Heidi!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Middle School Championship Tournament Pictures


Take a look at the pictures from the Middle School Ultimate Championship Tournament held in Efland last month.

Holly's Gallery
Arnett's Gallery

For more information about the tournament, look here.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New Website

Check out our new website!

You can also get to it at

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Registration is open for the TYUL High School spring league.


Friday, February 6, 2009

Middle School Championship Tournament

Is happening this weekend at Gravelly Hill Middle School in Efland, NC! (Directions?)

Competition will be held Round Robin style. There will be a photographer and observers present and sandwiches to purchase during lunch break so bring a few bucks along.

Saturday 9am ~ 4pm, Sunday 1pm ~ 5pm.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

TYUL High School Mtg TONIGHT

BE AWARE. THERE IS A HURRICANES GAME TONIGHT AT THE RBC CENTER at 7 pm. Right next to Cardinal Gibbons. So be careful in choosing your departure time to get to the meeting by 6:30.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

1/12 TYUL Meeting Minutes

Bear with me, this meeting was 2.5 hours long and we covered a LOT of information, so here's a brief summary of some of the topics we covered...

TYUL Organization
We're looking into defining positions and responsibilities within the TYUL organizational structure to better serve participants. We are going to foster our relationship with the TFDA as they are interested in growing youth ultimate. As an already organized body, the TFDA has resources and infrastructure in place to support the growth of TYUL.

High School Notes
We would like to increase the number of legitimate teams at the high school level in our area. We would like to do this by providing coaches and reaching out to interested students and schools through our yet to be appointed 'Outreach Manager'.

Middle School Notes
The Middle School Ultimate Championship will be held February 7 & 8 in Efland, NC. We are looking for a few good volunteers to help make this tournament run smoothly. We are looking for individuals to help with setting up & running the tournament and we are also looking for individuals who may be willing to participate as 'observers'.

Summer League Notes
We have dates, times and locations set for this summer already! We will be utilizing SAS soccer park on the following dates: June 13, 20, 27 July 11, 19, 25 Both High School and Middle School division play will be held at this location. Exact time and duration may vary but we have reserved the fields from 9:30-4. The end of season league tournament is still to be determined.

Communication Notes
We're working on getting a spiffy new website up and running. Got any ideas for a slogan? Email with ideas.

What we need...
1. Coaches! If interested, send us an email. We're looking to get coaches set up with several schools in the area.
2. Volunteers! to help at the Middle School Championships on Feb 7/8. Get in touch with Jen Waldrup ( if you would like to help out.

Various Odds & Ends
  • There are several middle schools in our area hosting teams with 30 + players. This makes it increasingly important to develop our high school teams so that these players can continue to play as they move along school.
  • We're looking into the possibility of some mini-tournaments (day long events) for the high school spring league season to allow high schools from further away to come play ultimate against teams from the more immediate area.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Organizational Meetings this WEEK!

TYUL Organizational Meeting (for entire league)
Monday, January 12th, 6:30 pm
9 Arborfield Ln, Durham, NC

High School Division Organizational Meeting (for High School Players)
Thursday, January 15th, 6:30 pm
Cardinal Gibbons High School, Raleigh, NC

Friday, January 9, 2009


Hey all,

Just to clarify, we are having a meeting to help organize TYUL as an organization on Monday January 12, 2009 in Durham. We are having a meeting to help organize the high school division of TYUL on Thursday January 15, 2009 in Raleigh at Cardinal Gibbons High School at 630pm. If you are someone who is trying to help volunteer your time to TYUL, or are interested in the league as a whole (summer and spring seasons, high school and middle school) then come to the Monday meeting. If you are a high school player or high school coach/advisor, come to the Thursday meeting to see how your high school ultimate team/club can have more opportunities to play ultimate!

You are definitely more than welcome to come to both of course.

Thanks. Please email me with any questions.

Lindsey Hack